Texecom - Unknown Command - can anyone help?

Hi folks, I feel I’m so close to getting this integration working. I can disarm the alarm through HA, if it is armed using a physical keypad. But I cannot arm it. Below is my config:

  host: (removed)
  port: 10001
  host: core-mosquitto
  prefix: texecom2mqtt
  username: mqtt-user
  password: (removed)
  client_id: texecom2mqtt
  keepalive: 30
  clean: true
  retain: true
  retain_log: false
  reject_unauthorized: false
  discovery: true
  prefix: home-assistant
  - id: area_a
    full_arm: armed_away
    part_arm_1: armed_night
    part_arm_2: armed_home
    code_arm_required: true
    code_disarm_required: false
    code: "(removed)"
zones: []
cache: false
log: info

When I click either Arm_Away or Arm_Night buttons, the log shows the following:

2024-04-17 08:20:16 - WARNING: Unknown command ARM_AWAY for area Area A
2024-04-17 08:20:18 - WARNING: Unknown command ARM_NIGHT for area Area A

Can anyone help?

Hello, I am having the same problem, did you find a solution?


Same issue here. Been troubleshooting for hours now and can’t seem to get it working’. I’ve asked developer on existing GitHub issue.