Texecom2mqtt - just cannot arm!

Hi there,

Quick question. I have a Texecom alarm panel and have texecom2mqtt up and running. It pulls the zones on the alarm, and I can see the state changing when I arm/disarm on the texecom keypad.

I have added a lovelace alarm card, connected to the texecom entity for zone A (which all my sensors are in). But it doesn’t matter which of the arm buttons I click, nothing happens. Yet … if I set the alarm on the keypad, I can click the disarm button, and the alarm disarms!

Below is a clean version of my AddOn Configuration, using the yaml view. I have removed the IP and password.

  host: removed
  host: core-mosquitto
  username: mqtt-user
  password: removed
  discovery: true
areas: []
zones: []

Any ideas? There is no UDL entry, but that is down as optional in the docs.

I’m still struggling to get this working. Below is my current AddOn configuration. Sensitive areas removed.

  host: <REMOVED>
  port: 10001
  host: core-mosquitto
  prefix: texecom2mqtt
  username: <REMOVED>
  password: <REMOVED>
  client_id: texecom2mqtt
  keepalive: 30
  clean: true
  retain: true
  retain_log: false
  reject_unauthorized: false
  discovery: true
  prefix: home-assistant
  - id: area_a
    name: Home
    full_arm: armed_away
    part_arm_1: armed_night
    part_arm_2: armed_home
    part_arm_3: armed_custom_bypass
    code_arm_required: false
    code_disarm_required: false
    code: "<REMOVED>"
  - id: area_b
    name: Garage
    full_arm: armed_away
    part_arm_1: armed_night
    part_arm_2: armed_home
    part_arm_3: armed_custom_bypass
    code_arm_required: false
    code_disarm_required: false
    code: "<REMOVED>"
zones: []
cache: true
log: debug

Clicking any of the buttons in Lovelace, does nothing, and there is no log entry.