Hi - I’m about to update my system to a premier elite controller with add-on communicator(s).
Hopefully someone can clarify something that is not clear to me - If I want to access the system with both the Texecom app and home assistant at the same time, will I need to install both SmartCom and ComIP or is SmartCom alone sufficient to handle both use cases?
Thank you, i’ll give it a go. I’ve installed Portainer and created the container with Daniels image but it fails constantly. However…as i’m a complete noob to this I have probably set it up completely wrong.
I don’t want to derail this thread too much so if anyone has any pointers for where I should start for idiot proof guides/help on how to set up containers it would be greatly appreciated.
I only have a SmartCom and can use both the Texecom app and this in parallel, with some limitations. I don’t get Texecom alerts when this is running (but can set the equivalent up in Home Assistant), and the calendar in the app doesn’t work (but it was pretty useless anyway)
the docker build command is used to make your own container from a DOCKERFILE you’ve created yourself. In this case you’re using the dchesterton/texecom2mqtt container that has been published to docker hub - therefore you need to use the “docker run” command, as per this post:
That being said, the author of the container recommends to use docker-compose in the container documentation, which is the way I am using it currently. See https://hub.docker.com/r/dchesterton/texecom2mqtt:
Running in Docker
Docker is currently the only supported way of running the application. A docker-compose.yml example is shown below:
So for this, you’d create a directory, add the docker-compose.yml file as above and your config.yml file. Then using the docker-compose up command will download/run the container and use your configuration file.
I think there was talk earlier in this thread above of turning this into a fully-fledged home assistant add-on to make this more user-friendly but I’m not sure if it’s been implemented yet.
Note you’ll also need to set up a MQTT broker (such as the mosquito add-in available in home assistant)
Many thanks for the confirmation, after much googling yesterday I managed to get it up and running on Docker-Desktop and your above write up serves as confirmation.
My issue now is that i am trying to replicate the same on my R PI.
These are my steps.
Installed the Raspberry Pi OS 32 bit Lite version and enabled SSH.
pi@raspberrypi:~ $ docker-compose up
Starting texecom2mqtt ... done
Attaching to texecom2mqtt
texecom2mqtt | standard_init_linux.go:211: exec user process caused "exec format error"
docker ps
pi@raspberrypi:~ $ docker ps
218e2da192af dchesterton/texecom2mqtt:latest "docker-entrypoint.s…" 13 hours ago Restarting (1) 6 seconds ago texecom2mqtt
Any Ideas?
texecom2mqtt | standard_init_linux.go:211: exec user process caused “exec format error”
I am not too familiar with running containers on pi but based on your logs I’d hazard a guess that it’s the node image referenced in the container itself not being arm-compatible:
This is probably going to be the dumbest question on here, but I’m going to ask anyway.
can some one walk me through how to get this image running with integration with HA.
I’m really new to Docker containers and Pi. With the massive help from you tube and by fumbling around on the net i have managed to get HA running inside a container.
So far i’ve only been able to pull down the dchesterton/texecom2mqtt image.
As per the posts above, this isn’t going to work on Raspberry Pi at present due to the way the container has been created.
This integration is quite new and the author (dchesterton) has kindly indicated that they will look at making one that is pi compatible so keep an eye on this thread for updates.
I’m on a Premier Elite 48-W Live (same board as the 64W-live), it has 2 regular onboard Com ports, and a separate 10 pin communication port (I think intended for speech modules etc). Some panels have three Com ports as standard though.
The SmartCom requires the two onboard Com ports (Com1 and Com2), however, in the box with the Smartcom is an adaptor board to turn the third communication port into a regular com port (Com3).
I have bought a SmartCom and ComIP to see if I can run both as you have mentioned (and avoid relying on Wifi). I have the ComIP now running on Com3 in parallel with my existing ComWifi (on Com1) successfully (although there are some issues with the device not appearing on my Ubiquiti controller). I’m winding myself up for the possibly painful experience of updating firmware on the board (and likely reprogramming the lot) before I can install the SmartCom.
The above likely explains my issues with attempting to run this on Portainer on my Pi
Currently an older model - premier 24 I think. I’ve just moved into a new house where this was pre-installed. I’ve spoken with the installer of the current system and I’m about to upgrade to the Premier Elite 24 so I can make use of the connect protocol in both the Texecom app and home automation.
Based on the information in davidMbrooke’s API here I took the decision to go with both SmartCom and ComIP communicators since I wanted other family members to be able to use the app without issues caused by also integrating with home assistant. Then from reading the installer manual for Smartcom I saw that it required both com1 and com2 ports in the panel. Your explanation of the adapter board to gain an extra com port makes sense.
I have got the texecom2mqtt service running already on one of my servers as a check that it would work as expected. I have been using netcat in my Mac terminal (nc -l 10002) to pose as the panel, at least enough to get past the initial requests for serial number etc. and for the mosquito broker to log a connection. For anything more I’d probably need to look at the code