Text Color for Light Slider

based on the slate theme I created a new one. So far so good, but when I pull the slider for brightness for lights entities or for covers, I can not see the actual brightness because it seems to be white text color on white background. The text color seems to be acording to “primary-text-color”, which is white in my case. Is there a seperate color entry for this part here? And if not for the text, maybe for the background?

Here a screenshot from my theme:

Any idea to solve this issue?
Of course I could change the “primary-text-color” but I want to keep white for the other texts…

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I’m seeing the same thing, seems related to the recent change to use material web components: Replace polymer paper-slider by silamon · Pull Request #18168 · home-assistant/frontend · GitHub

I’m also using the slate theme and digging in to find the new vars…

Found it! Need to add clear-background-color to the theme otherwise the default is #FFFFFF and why it’s showing up as all white.


Great, thanks a lot. It works

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Hi. And thanks for the info. At first I couldn’t figure out where and how to put clear-background-color in my themes.yaml file. After looking at your post on GitHub I added:

clear-background-color: “#212121

In the file and this works like a charm! Thanks again.

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