Text input helper as variable for running switch

Hi, may someone could give me a hint

i added a input text helper to set a 6 digit key

now my question

1/ how could i use this value as a variable for a command line prompt

i assume i somehow would have to trigger something …

thanks ahead for any hints

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Do you want to run the command then the helper changes, or must the helper’s value be passed to the command?

For the former, make an automation that triggers on the helper’s state.

For the latter, pass the state as a template by adding {{ states('input_text.gpr_key') }} to your command.


for the start, value be passed … i ll try this for now

    command_on: "sshpass -p mypasshere ssh -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no root@alsserverii /mnt/user/appdata/openconnect/testsed.sh {{ states('input_text.gpr_key') }}"

then the automation should be setup, but i would need the passed state in the cmdline anyhow, correct ?

thank you very much, works all like expected :wink:

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