I’m trying to create a script that will make my Google Home Speaker tell me what temperature my heater is currently set to. I’d not need to do this if ecobee thermostat were elegantly integrated with Google Assistant and also useful as the thermostat is in the hallway and i can’t see it from my living area.
My problem: the TTS command actually reads out loud the text “states.climate.home.attributes.temperature” rather than reading out the attribute value
- alias: Google TTS
service: tts.google_say
entity_id: media_player.kitchen_home
message: 'The Ecobee is currently set to {{ states.climate.home.attributes.temperature }} degrees'
- alias: Send Email
service: notify.Email_Notification
title: 'The Ecobee is currently set to {{ states.climate.home.attributes.temperature }} degrees'
message: 'The Ecobee is currently set to {{ states.climate.home.attributes.temperature }} degrees'
I know I’ve entered it correctly as the “send email” command shown displays the text correctly, but the TTS component does not.
Any ideas on how i can covert the attribute value to text for use with the TTS component?