Hello, first time poster here. So, the issue I’m facing is that I’m using OpenAI’s API to use ChatGPT to send me notifications about electricity prices and I’m trying to make a “notifications” board for my dashboard. The issue here is that the ‘input text’ I’m trying to set and show in a markdown-card, shows up as “unknown” even though the automation trace shows it as being set correctly.
The research I’ve done suggests that the ChatGPT response might be longer than 255 char limit on the input text, so it won’t show it.
If anyone has a better solution or a work around. I’d appreaciate it alot.
I’ve added all of the relevant information as YAML and a picture.
Apparently new users can only add one picture.
alias: openai electricity price
description: ""
trigger: []
condition: []
- service: conversation.process
agent_id: 980018072708513dbc69c57957e9302c
text: >-
Can you tell me how todays electricity price looks like and which time
of day should i keep the usage at a minimum? any recommendations what
time would be the best to use my appliances by looking at the price
data? Units used are c/kWh. Here is the price data
response_variable: elec_price_agent
- service: notify.mobile_app_iphone_jonne
message: "{{elec_price_agent.response.speech.plain.speech}}"
title: Sähkön hinta tänään
- service: input_text.set_value
metadata: {}
value: "{{elec_price_agent.response.speech.plain.speech | string }}"
entity_id: input_text.e_price
mode: single
Automation trace
The input text is being set by my automation correctly.
"trace": {
"last_step": "action/2",
"run_id": "2aea2abba983aedee57cdcebb809d2ee",
"state": "stopped",
"script_execution": "finished",
"timestamp": {
"start": "2024-05-19T18:22:30.442765+00:00",
"finish": "2024-05-19T18:22:33.816378+00:00"
"domain": "automation",
"item_id": "1716135532303",
"trigger": null,
"trace": {
"trigger": [
"path": "trigger",
"timestamp": "2024-05-19T18:22:30.442831+00:00",
"changed_variables": {
"this": {
"entity_id": "automation.openai_electricity_price",
"state": "on",
"attributes": {
"id": "1716135532303",
"last_triggered": "2024-05-19T18:20:16.985370+00:00",
"mode": "single",
"current": 0,
"friendly_name": "openai electricity price"
"last_changed": "2024-05-19T18:22:28.956992+00:00",
"last_reported": "2024-05-19T18:22:28.956992+00:00",
"last_updated": "2024-05-19T18:22:28.956992+00:00",
"context": {
"id": "01HY91EGJW50WT1CDVMTQ2F3RD",
"parent_id": null,
"user_id": null
"trigger": {
"platform": null
"action/0": [
"path": "action/0",
"timestamp": "2024-05-19T18:22:30.443877+00:00",
"changed_variables": {
"context": {
"parent_id": "01HY91EJ1AH20DBHNHWN88QPZN",
"user_id": null
"elec_price_agent": {
"response": {
"speech": {
"plain": {
"speech": "Tänään sähkön hinta näyttää olevan -0.001 c/kWh. Sehän on melkein liian hyvää ollakseen totta - taitaa olla parempi pitää silmällä mittareita, ettei tule maksettua liikaa!\n\nJos hinta on todella negatiivinen, suosittelen hyödyntämään sähkölaitteita silloin. Miksi et esimerkiksi pesisi pyykkiä tai kokkaisi herkkuillallista juuri silloin, kun sähkö on \"ilmaista\"? Aikamoinen herkkupäivä taitaa olla tiedossa, kun saa käyttää sähkölaitteita niin halvalla!",
"extra_data": null
"card": {},
"language": "fi",
"response_type": "action_done",
"data": {
"targets": [],
"success": [],
"failed": []
"conversation_id": "01HY91EJ1CNSZYRJX4H824X2SA"
"result": {
"params": {
"domain": "conversation",
"service": "process",
"service_data": {
"agent_id": "980018072708513dbc69c57957e9302c",
"text": "Can you tell me how todays electricity price looks like and which time of day should i keep the usage at a minimum? any recommendations what time would be the best to use my appliances by looking at the price data? Units used are c/kWh. Here is the price data -0.001."
"target": {}
"running_script": false
"action/1": [
"path": "action/1",
"timestamp": "2024-05-19T18:22:33.331250+00:00",
"result": {
"params": {
"domain": "notify",
"service": "mobile_app_iphone_jonne",
"service_data": {
"message": "Tänään sähkön hinta näyttää olevan -0.001 c/kWh. Sehän on melkein liian hyvää ollakseen totta - taitaa olla parempi pitää silmällä mittareita, ettei tule maksettua liikaa!\n\nJos hinta on todella negatiivinen, suosittelen hyödyntämään sähkölaitteita silloin. Miksi et esimerkiksi pesisi pyykkiä tai kokkaisi herkkuillallista juuri silloin, kun sähkö on \"ilmaista\"? Aikamoinen herkkupäivä taitaa olla tiedossa, kun saa käyttää sähkölaitteita niin halvalla!",
"title": "Sähkön hinta tänään"
"target": {}
"running_script": false
"action/2": [
"path": "action/2",
"timestamp": "2024-05-19T18:22:33.810512+00:00",
"result": {
"params": {
"domain": "input_text",
"service": "set_value",
"service_data": {
"value": "Tänään sähkön hinta näyttää olevan -0.001 c/kWh. Sehän on melkein liian hyvää ollakseen totta - taitaa olla parempi pitää silmällä mittareita, ettei tule maksettua liikaa!\n\nJos hinta on todella negatiivinen, suosittelen hyödyntämään sähkölaitteita silloin. Miksi et esimerkiksi pesisi pyykkiä tai kokkaisi herkkuillallista juuri silloin, kun sähkö on \"ilmaista\"? Aikamoinen herkkupäivä taitaa olla tiedossa, kun saa käyttää sähkölaitteita niin halvalla!",
"entity_id": [
"target": {
"entity_id": [
"running_script": false
"config": {
"id": "1716135532303",
"alias": "openai electricity price",
"description": "",
"trigger": [],
"condition": [],
"action": [
"service": "conversation.process",
"data": {
"agent_id": "980018072708513dbc69c57957e9302c",
"text": "Can you tell me how todays electricity price looks like and which time of day should i keep the usage at a minimum? any recommendations what time would be the best to use my appliances by looking at the price data? Units used are c/kWh. Here is the price data {{states('sensor.nordpool_kwh_fi_eur_3_095_024')}}."
"response_variable": "elec_price_agent"
"service": "notify.mobile_app_iphone_jonne",
"data": {
"message": "{{elec_price_agent.response.speech.plain.speech}}",
"title": "Sähkön hinta tänään"
"service": "input_text.set_value",
"metadata": {},
"data": {
"value": "{{elec_price_agent.response.speech.plain.speech | string }}"
"target": {
"entity_id": "input_text.e_price"
"mode": "single"
"blueprint_inputs": null,
"context": {
"parent_id": "01HY91EJ1AH20DBHNHWN88QPZN",
"user_id": null
"logbookEntries": [
"name": "openai electricity price",
"message": "triggered",
"source": null,
"entity_id": "automation.openai_electricity_price",
"context_id": "01HY91EJ1A96QTGPHPDA2VXFNE",
"when": 1716142950.4434414,
"domain": "automation"
The issue is that the input text is showing up as “unknown” and the input variable is being set a read-only.
type: markdown
content: |-
**Electricity Price Info**: {{ states('input_text.e_price') }}
title: Notifications