The date of the home assistant is invalid

Hi, I am stuck in hospital at the moment and just started getting this error message when trying to connect via my android phone.

Can anyone please tell me what I need to do, using duckdns to connect.


If you can’t connect remotely then there is no way to update anything remotely.

All you can do is get well soon.

Or send someone with a bit of technical ability to your house to reset the time from an attached keyboard and monitor (assuming your Android phone time is correct and that is not the issue).

If a tech friend could connect locally using http:ipaddtess:8123 could they do any viia settings.?

HA is running as I get an email at sunrise and sunset

maybe use a browser on your phone instead of the app so you can ignore the certificate warning
then install the ssh add on an try to fix the time somehow.

or try to get your hands on a laptop, that makes it easier. Not sure if that is possible in all hospitals.

Maybe… you use DuckDNS so the local address will be https, not http, unless you are using a reverse proxy?

Even if not, you have to use a security exception to access HA locally on https as the security certificate is for the domain name, not the ip address. So it may work.

Edit: @bkbartk 's idea is a good one.

Managed to connect using browser, duckdns certificate is valid until 2025

Not sure what to look for to clear the error

Your system time and date needs to be set correctly for the SSL certificate to work correctly.

Just got on again using the browser, updated the supervisor to the latest, and can now connect using the app.

Thanks for the help