The Firmware Binary is invalid

Um…totally lost. I created a new profile in ESPHome for this particular ESP32CAm board and attempted to flash it like I have before and now I get:

Unexpected error: The firmware binary is invalid (magic byte=FF, should be E9)

I’m downloading the .bin file and using the ESPHOME Flasher in OSX

What is going on?

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I dont know what exactly this issue is but looks like it could be an issue of bootloader. Can you try flashing tasmota to this and then upload esphome from tasmota?

Try with firmware without ‘factory’

You mean, rename the file? That didn’t help.

Did you select the proper format when you compiled it in ESPHome ? Now it asks if you want legacy format or new one when you compile for manual flash !


Hmmm…I did notice that and I wasn’t sure which one to use, so I went with the new method. Maybe I should try the other.

OMG it’s always something so blatantly simple and right in your face! What is wrong with me?!

Legacy worked…as it should, since it sorta tells you it will when it gives you the option. Derp.


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Well my experience with these stuffs is to try all options when it’s not working, all the more when there is no risk of harm or destroying something :smiley:

As far as I know the new format is only working when flashing through browser ESPHome interface (not the web interface in OTA mode on ESP itself !

Which I have yet to actually have work properly.

Legacy format didnt work :frowning:

??? sorry but you answer on a thread that is one year old…