The following integrations and platforms could not be set up: nodered

each start I get the following error:
The following integrations and platforms could not be set up:

  • nodered

Please check your config and [logs]

However its working fine. Any ideas?


That link is going right to your HA instance, you should remove the link. on configuration page → integrations do you have the nodered companion installed? This is different from the addon, it would show on that page if it wasn’t loading.

Which logs are you looking at there are several. The one on the nodered addon page?

Thanks for your message. I have removed the link!
I do have the nodered in configuration/ integrations but it says not loaded. Should I delete that?

That is needed for certain home assistant nodes. You could try removing it. Then go to HACS and reinstall the nodered companion, then back to the integrations page and install nodered companion.

Mike, awesome, thanks that solved it.Many thanks!
With regard to the initial link to my logs, I assume you hit the password page, right, you didn’t get right through to the app?

Yes it prompted me to enter a user and password.