So you have this nice thing.
You want to grow this nice thing because if you don’t it tends to stagnate and die.
Pissing off a large section of your loyal user-base to grow the nice thing?
Unfortunately that has to be done sometimes simply due to practicalities.
You have to be very careful about choosing your new target demographic though. For example:
By dumbing down the nice thing you are going to attract a lot more dummies. And the situation shown in that comic is going to become more common, not less.
Ask yourself, do you really want Home Assistant to be used by people who would have trouble setting a clock on a microwave oven?
This is all a bit rambling and I do have to admit that so far the shift away from YAML has not affected me adversely. I can only remember one or two occasions where I had to delve into the undocumented .storage
black box to fix things that were not fixable via the UI. That was in the early days though and I have not had to do this lately. I do actually like discovery and the way my commercial and DIY devices seamlessly integrate into Home Assistant.
One thing that has become slightly more difficult is community support. Rather than asking for correctly formatted configuration code so it can be easily cut/pasted/corrected I find I have to post more screenshots edited to show a button press procedure. This is time consuming and tedious but I’m not forced to do it. So I may just end up doing less.
Also I learned YAML and it was surprisingly easy. So new users should have to learn it as well. Now get the hell off my lawn. ~ Wanders away yelling at clouds
~ /jk
But seriously, I find it more efficient to define automations and scripts in YAML and JINJA than the UI and if the current ADR ever changes to exclude that I would have to re-evaluate my use of Home Assistant. It is good to hear there are currently no plans to remove this.