The Future of Z-Wave in HA - QT-OpenZWave

Yes it all depends on how it’s implemented. The devs can do it in a way where it requires zero changes for users or in a way which requires a ton of changes for users… We will see which one they choose.

The goal is to implement the new z-wave component in a way that requires relatively few modifications for users of the stock zwave component, but there’s no plans to add a migration path for those using zwave2mqtt.


The challenge is up until recently the zwave specifications were not clear in how to report the “value” of a dimmer when its transitioning. Some vendors would send the “final” value (and GUI’s would “work”) while others send the “instant” value. (Which could be some value between the start value and end value). It’s these second group that cause this issue.

I’ve posted some guidelines for how this should be handled on the HA side here:


What month are we striving for with these changes? Will there be a ‘beta’ for us to test?

No clue on timing, but yes I’m planning to have beta pre-releases available as a custom component through HACS. Standard “may break everything” disclaimer will apply :smiley:


@cgarwood - I have the Docker container running and added your early code to my environment; but i am failing to activate the component, can you share some basic configuration steps?

MQTT will need set up in Home Assistant & then add the zwave mqtt component from the Integrations page. Should just work after that (or spit some errors out into the logs)

Sorry - I should have updated this thread - i figure out my silliness a week back. I have the container and integrations running SOLID for a week, updated to the newest integration during the week, and i can turn on and off power sockets, and get some climate related data in.

this is already more stable than the alternatives! - I am looking forward to the climate platform support

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In the migration, would the entity_ids from the old zwave integration be able to transfer to the new one? I have around 40 zwave devices and having to manually delete the entity_ids from the entity registry from the old integration and then rename the new ones to match the old would be a very painstaking process.

Just watching this as I also want to know if we will need to reset and repair all Z-Wave devices to use the new integration.
Also, how does the new integration handle security enabled devices?
I understand it is currently in a testing state and not complete.

The devices are linked to Z-Wave stick. So if you keep the security key the same, it should work out of the box - without repairing.

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The security key is specified by config in OpenZWave or random generated by HA. Are you sure the security key is on the stick /zwave controller?
I know paired devices are on the stick, but I thought OZW stored the security key elsewhere.

It is not, it’s in your configuration. In Home Assistant, that’ll be in configuration.yaml or in the config files in .storage.

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In OpenZWave it is configuration (one of the XML files), so not on the stick.

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I am having some trouble getting this to work.
So far what i have managed is:
i have installed the hassio addon:
Open Z-Wave Daemon

Then i have installed the hacs addon:
Z-Wave over MQTT (Pre-Release)

Also i have installed the Mosquito addon.

Now - everything seems to startup - and i can test the MQTT from the Dev tools.
I am also able to start the GUI ( qt ) - but i have nothing in there.
I have mapped my z-wave usb stick to its location:

My device is the:
Sigma Designs Generic Z-Wave Plus USB Dongle

When i look in the log for the hacs addon it says:
2020-02-03 22:56:13,976 INFO supervisord started with pid 6
2020-02-03 22:56:14,979 INFO spawned: ‘websockify’ with pid 31
2020-02-03 22:56:14,980 INFO spawned: ‘ozwadmin’ with pid 32
2020-02-03 22:56:14,983 INFO spawned: ‘xvfb’ with pid 33
2020-02-03 22:56:14,986 INFO spawned: ‘mosquitto’ with pid 34
2020-02-03 22:56:14,989 INFO spawned: ‘x11vnc’ with pid 35
2020-02-03 22:56:14,992 INFO spawned: ‘ozwdaemon’ with pid 36
2020-02-03 22:56:16,031 INFO success: websockify entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 1 seconds (startsecs)
2020-02-03 22:56:16,031 INFO success: ozwadmin entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 1 seconds (startsecs)
2020-02-03 22:56:16,031 INFO success: xvfb entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 1 seconds (startsecs)
2020-02-03 22:56:16,031 INFO success: mosquitto entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 1 seconds (startsecs)
2020-02-03 22:56:16,031 INFO success: x11vnc entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 1 seconds (startsecs)
2020-02-03 22:56:16,031 INFO success: ozwdaemon entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 1 seconds (startsecs)
2020-02-03 22:58:30,163 INFO exited: ozwadmin (exit status 0; expected)
2020-02-03 22:58:30,164 INFO spawned: ‘ozwadmin’ with pid 65
2020-02-03 22:58:31,711 INFO success: ozwadmin entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 1 seconds (startsecs)

It might be a noob thing - but how do i proceed?

br Ronni

I have two aeotec sticks, one used by the HA ZWave integration, and one by zwave2mqtt on the same NUC.
The QT-OpenZWave readme says I’ll have to remove my existing zwave integration.
What I’d like to do is to replace the zwave2mqtt part with QT-OpenZWave, since today that one manages only devices that are supported.
Is this possible?
And one more question: Is it/will it be possible to have two QT-OpenZWave integrations, one per stick?

Also have an Aeon Labs z-wave stick, this make me think that it would be a good idea to back it up. I said this because I was very afraid with last 105 HA release that gives a lot of problems to my z-wave config. Had to rollback. So what’s would be the best way backing up the z-wave network and stick???

Aeotec has backup software for the Z stick Gen 5 for free on their website.

I’m using z-wave integration for a couple of years now. The Z-Network is some sort of unstable, there are exceptions in home-assistant log with catches. Index out of bounds error and all this for years now. I think z-wave integration in Home-Assistant is broken by "no"design!

TRÅDFRI uses Zigbee not zwave