The graphs on the mini-graph-card (and Apexcharts) are no longer displaying


I just noticed that I no longer have curves on my mini-graph-card charts (and on my Apexcharts cards too, it just says “loading” without ever displaying anything)

Dev-–-Home-Assistant (1)

My history is here and present

I’ve done a lot of reboots on my HA Yellow today; could that have an impact?

I’ve tried rebooting my HA Yellow box several times, reinstalling the mini-graph-cards, and testing with several different sensors, clean cache, check on PC, Smartphone and tablet but without success.

Does anyone have an idea?

Thank you very much for your help.

System Information

version core-2024.12.1
installation_type Home Assistant OS
dev false
hassio true
docker true
user root
virtualenv false
python_version 3.13.0
os_name Linux
os_version 6.6.51-haos-raspi
arch aarch64
timezone Europe/Zurich
config_dir /config
Home Assistant Community Store
GitHub API ok
GitHub Content ok
GitHub Web ok
HACS Data ok
GitHub API Calls Remaining 5000
Installed Version 2.0.1
Stage running
Available Repositories 1488
Downloaded Repositories 87
can_reach_server ok
remaining_requests 45
Home Assistant Cloud
logged_in true
subscription_expiration private
relayer_connected true
relayer_region eu-central-1
remote_enabled true
remote_connected true
alexa_enabled false
google_enabled true
cloud_ice_servers_enabled true
remote_server private
certificate_status ready
instance_id private
can_reach_cert_server ok
can_reach_cloud_auth ok
can_reach_cloud ok
Home Assistant Supervisor
host_os Home Assistant OS 14.0
update_channel stable
supervisor_version supervisor-2024.11.4
agent_version 1.6.0
docker_version 27.2.0
disk_total 229.2 GB
disk_used 41.5 GB
healthy true
supported true
host_connectivity true
supervisor_connectivity true
ntp_synchronized true
board yellow
supervisor_api ok
version_api ok
installed_addons Samba share (12.3.2), Advanced SSH & Web Terminal (19.0.0), Home Assistant Google Drive Backup (0.112.1), Grafana (10.2.2), Matter Server (6.6.1), Piper (1.5.2), Whisper (2.3.0), VLC (0.3.0), InfluxDB (5.0.1), Z-Wave JS UI (3.18.0), Studio Code Server (5.17.3), Mosquitto broker (6.4.1), Zigbee2MQTT (1.42.0-2), Silicon Labs Flasher (0.3.2), Samba Backup (5.2.0), openWakeWord (1.10.0), ESPHome Device Compiler (2024.11.3), Uptime Kuma (0.12.4), OpenThread Border Router (2.12.2), Music Assistant Server (beta) (2.4.0b7), Glances (0.21.1)
dashboards 8
resources 52
views 33
mode storage
oldest_recorder_run 28 novembre 2024 à 15:27
current_recorder_run 9 décembre 2024 à 13:30
estimated_db_size 2490.25 MiB
database_engine sqlite
database_version 3.45.3
version 3.8.1 (ffa7e22)
cloud_online 0 / 1
local_online 0 / 0
api_endpoint_reachable ok
integration_version v1.0.66
clients_configured private
Xiaomi Miot Auto
component_version 1.0.2
can_reach_server ok
can_reach_spec ok
logged_accounts 1
total_devices 86

And can you see same with a stock history-graph?
Btw, mini-graph-card uses a browser’s cache - so purge it just in case.
And checking HA log is always useful.


So yes, I try to change my entity for the speedtest, same problem. But like you can see, I have the graph with the stock card, history is here

I also clean the cache of my Chrome navigator and also test it with Firefox, same problem.

Nothing special in the log and nothing in the console (F12)

Another test: I realized that none of the cards display a graph, only the core ones and the entities card (on the left).

It’s a bit like these cards can’t access the data. I’m worried that the value doesn’t appear in the top left corner of the ApexCharts card.

Any idea what’s happening? How could I move forward to find the issue?

Have you purged browser cache? Just in case - reboot HA ))

Yes, purged and reboot done, it changes nothing

I use Apex charts for displaying electricity prices and that graph pretty much always fail to display the first time I open the page.
If I refresh the page then it shows.
I have disabled the browser cache for the HA URL, so nothing will ever be cached.

My problem is that it’s not only ApexCharts but all the card who render graph. And it is not only on a Navigator that’s happened, but on my smartphone it’s the same issue :frowning:

But, for the futur, I’ll do it like you and remove the cache of my Chrome

I do not have that many graphs, so I can’t say if it would happen with other cards too.
It does happen on all my devices though.

Just checked - all my mini-graph-cards work fine.
Are you using DuckDNS or whatever similar?

No, I have a subscription to Nabu Casa

Something strange, I tried yesterday to restore backup from 5 days to now. Every restore I made give me back and running the graphs, so I restored the last I made yesterday and everithing was back and running BUT this morning when I woke up, bam, no graph again !?

Just in case:

  1. Try another browser.
  2. Try with “cache: false” option of mini-graph-card.

Thanks for your message

  1. I already tried on different browser and machines, everywhere the same problem (mobile, PC, Tablet)
  2. I’ll try cache:false but the problem is that all my graph car have the same problem (Plotly, Apex, mini-car etc…)

Except stock history-graph…

Exactely, this is very strange :frowning:

I found something, this problem happened when I upgrade from the core 2024.11.3 to 2024.12.3. I dont see any difference in the history data, all seems to be OK

Any idee ? Thanks for your help

In 2024.11.3, all is OK

In 2024.12.3 graph are not showing, the datas are here

That was a Core problem who as been resolved with the 2024.12.4 out today

I updated to 2024.12.4 this morning and then tried to create a new Apexcharts graph, but it is stuck loading!
As shown in the image, older graphs are still rendering well.

Clean your navigator cache AND cookies !

Reload the homepage when you see that missing graph.
It should render on the second attempt.

Cleaning the cache will just make all the other graphs act the same way,because they are probably loaded from cache currently.

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