The image/artwork from media_player/androidtv not showing

Hi all !
Hope I haven’t created a duplicate topic, but it seems that I couldn’t find the answer to my issue. I am struggling to display the image/artwork of what is now playing from a Philips Tv inside a mini-media-player card. I can get all the info that I want but no the image. The code I use for the card is this:

type: custom:mini-media-player
entity: media_player.towertv
icon: mdi:television
artwork: material
  volume: true
  source: true
  power_state: false
group: false
sound_mode: full
volume_stateless: false
replace_mute: play_pause

I can mention that I have enable Developer mode and activated the USB debugging on it if that was actually needed.
It doesn’t matter what application runs on the TV (YouTube, HBO, Netflix, Plex), I still don’t get the image.
Here is info that I get from the entity state:

volume_level: 0.11666666716337204
is_volume_muted: false
media_content_id: ""
media_content_type: video
media_duration: 4725.9
media_position: 0.214
media_position_updated_at: "2023-11-29T20:16:53.476834+00:00"
media_title: Ash - Live at Bonjuk Bay
media_artist: Ash
app_id: 2C6A6E3D
app_name: YouTube
entity_picture_local: null
friendly_name: TowerTV
supported_features: 152511

Please let me know if you have any thoughts !

Cheers !

I’ve managed to make it work. I was missing the Android Debug Bridge integration from my setup. Works like a charm now!
