The Nabu Casa Proxy

Hi there!

Sometimes, we have components/products/… which needs an open port to the internet like Google or Amazon. Nabu Casa can manage this two sorts of open ports - and some more, I know.

My request is, can we upgrade Nabu Casa in that way, that we can manage all our open ports there? I mean IFTTT as example. This component need an open port to use it propper. There are some more for sure. At the end I only have my connection to the HA-Cloud and there are all my backchanels managed. No one knows my IP and my system has only one open port. That would make my home more secure and on the other hand, this is, what I really open to pay for :wink:

Sry for that english, guys. Hope this points to the right direction what I mean.

Thank you

Is this really possible?

From a technical point of view I would say yes. In a simple way this only allows the IP addresses of the service provicer (IFTTT) a port forward to me, like your router does it to your HA instance. Instead the of the router, Nabu Casa becomes the Gateway to my “HA VPN”. But I’m not deep in this kind of architecture I have to say :wink:

Well I still doubt it. But if it was it would mean that nab casa has to build a system where every single user has to configure it themselves. I have hard to see such a system

Not currently, but it’s on the developer’s roadmap.

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Really? Will be rally interesting to see how it can work

Not more configuration then now I think. It’s the same, only the server is somewere else.

Cool, that’s sounds nice :smiley: