The name is Bond, James Bond. Which Bond integration?

I see 0.113 now has support for the Bond controller. How does this compare to this one which I’m using and it works pretty well?

I just shifted over. It seem to work fine. Several quirks.

  1. I used to get the typical 2 position slider when I had bond entities on an entities card. Now they all show up as 2 lightning bolt switch icons, 1 for off, 1 for on. I prefer the slider but don’t know how to get it to shift back (the way every other entity I can think of behaves)

  2. With the old integration the device names did not pass through to the entity_ids. I got fan, fan_2, fan_3, … and light, light_2, light_3, … Today I added a new fan (I switched integrations to get it discovered in HA). Interesting that the new device was “discovered” with the name I had assigned it in the bond app but the others are still in the fan and light format without the bond names. Not sure why the difference. I would like to get all of my names to come through rather than the numbering scheme, but they do work.

Hope this is helpful

The below image shows the difference between the bond entities and other entities in my entities cards. There is probably a setting somewhere to address this but I don’t know where to look or make the change since the integration is now configured from the UI and I did not see any options for settings.

I gave it a whirl earlier today and came to much the same conclusions as you. I posted my thoughts over here:

I switched back until it matures. You’ll also find that it doesn’t respect the on/off state (if your fan is of that type) so automations may turn it on when it should be off or visa-versa. Not good.

I ended up just changing my front end to use “button” cards instead of “entities” cards for the fan lights and fans. (I use button cards on most of the stuff we use routinely anyway and just use the entities cards for the infrequent stuff). Using buttons, I use the toggle service, so it keeps everything in sync. For fan speed control, I ended up just putting two buttons (left arrow for slower, right arrow for faster) and use an “input_select” list of speeds for each fan. The buttons advance the input_select to the desired speed, then I use a node_red flow to change the speed of the fan to the new speed. I have seen several custom UI elements for fan controls but wanted to try to stay with the standard UI. It works well. Below is what a group of fans in a room looks like using just standard UI cards. This shows up well on mobile and gets good WAF. I am open to suggestions on better fan control card concepts.

I have 9 bond controlled fans right now and it is pretty impressive that they all pretty stable and work well.

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Can you share your yaml for this please? I’d love to do the same thing.

Here is the YAML for the UI

type: grid
columns: 4
title: Office
square: false
  - entity: light.office_down_light
      action: more-info
    name: Fan
    show_icon: true
    show_name: true
    show_state: false
      action: toggle
    type: button
  - entity:
      action: more-info
    show_icon: true
    show_name: false
    show_state: false
      action: toggle
    type: button
  - entity: input_select.fan_office_speed
      action: more-info
    icon: mdi:arrow-left-bold
    show_icon: true
    show_name: false
    show_state: true
      action: call-service
      service: input_select.select_previous
        entity_id: input_select.fan_office_speed
    type: button
  - entity: input_select.fan_office_speed
      action: more-info
    icon: mdi:arrow-right-bold
    show_icon: true
    show_name: false

I am using a Node-Red flow to change the fan speed. However, an automation triggered off of a change in the input_select for fan speed would work just as well. Just use the set_speed service with a speed payload of the value of the Input_Select. Let me know if you need help with that. I will write up the automation and post it if you need it.

Thx a alot!