The old problem is back :-(

when i still had my old phone i couldn’t connect the app to my home assistant. it kept giving me an error: failed to perform SSL handshake.
then the old phone (or rather its screen) bit the dust, and i got a new one. weirdly enough, the problem was gone, and i could use the app on my new phone with no problem. that is, until a few days ago. now it refuses to connect unless i’m on my own wifi, and it gives me the same error again. no, i did not change the connectivity settings or the configuration of my LAN. it just stopped working :frowning:

any ideas what i can try? has anyone found a solution to this problem?

Which method are you using for remote access?

duckdns and lets encrypt, as described in this video:
when i got my new phone, it worked ok for a while, then it went intermittent for a few days, then it stopped working.
so until this is fixed, i’ll have to use unifi to detect if i’m at home or not. kinda works but is not as reliable as using the app.

You have an issue with the SSL connection and most likely it is related to your certificate.
make sure that the certificate is up to date and that all services are using the correct one.

ok, but how do i do that?
also, when i connect at home, on my own wifi, i don’t have this problem :open_mouth: shouldn’t the same certificate be used in this case?

Not if you are using the ip address.

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i don’t. i use the same domain name on my wifi and out on the internet.

You might connect directly to HA on the home network, but through the NGINX proxy from outside.
Try to connect to the homepage first and see what the browser thinks of the certificate.
Usually the browser provide a view of the security settings for a site by clicking the icons next to the URL.

Did you try a browser ?

with firefox i have the same problem: on my wifi it works but on the mobile phone network it doesn’t.
and i don’t have nginx installed.

Did you check and compare the certificates for the two connections?

i tried, but on the phone it only says “connection is secure” but it won’t show me the certificate.

This is getting into a nice little guessing game, but that doesn’t bring us any further. :slight_smile:

Post the logs and check that you’ve done all the troubleshooting steps mentioned here:

use Google Chrome on the phone then.

tried chrome, got the same result. but i noticed something: when i tried to connect via the mobile phone network, i got “unable to connect. retrying in…” (as expected) but i still got the lock in the URL field. weird. then i tried the same in firefox, and i got the lock there too. that tells me that the issue is either in my server or on my phone, not somewhere inbetween.

HTTP to HTTPS redirect or maybe IPv6 issues?