The question of access rights and icons


When studying the HA there were several questions, I’m sorry, I did not find any answers on them, so as not to create a lot of topics, I’ll ask everything in one topic.

  1. Access rights:
    I work under the PI account in WinSCP. Standard permissions do not allow you to change the configuration.yaml. I changed access to 770, now there is an opportunity to change conf. Is it correct to use this way?

  2. I created the plex.conf file on behalf of the PI, and passed the rights to it “chmod 770” and “chown homeassistant: homeassistant” to it, but when I load the HA, it issues an error, why is that?

2017-06-26 21:13:58 ERROR (Thread-5) [homeassistant.components.media_player.plex] Saving config file failed: [Errno 13] Permission denied: ‘/home/homeassistant/.homeassistant/plex.conf’
2017-06-26 21:13:58 ERROR (Thread-5) [homeassistant.components.media_player.plex] Failed to save configuration file

  1. OpenWeatherMap is connected, displays weather, how to delete the name “OWM” and set icons instead of text (cloudy, rain)? And how to change the position of these icons?

    Thanks in advance, HA is very interesting, but because of the language barrier it is difficult to cope with this.

In your site settings, under advanced settings, make sure you are set up like this:

Try setting to 0666 or 0764. All user must be able to at least read the file.[quote=“Emil, post:1, topic:20506”]
OpenWeatherMap is connected, displays weather, how to delete the name “OWM” and set icons instead of text (cloudy, rain)? And how to change the position of these icons?

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