"The Scrape YAML configuration has been moved" How can I fix this?

I have two “scrape” sensors listed in my Configuration.yaml file. I just received the “The Scrape YAML configuration has been moved” warning which states to migrate the YAML configuration to the integration key according to the documentation, but doesnt provide a link to the documentation.

Can anyone provide insight as to what this warning actually means and how to go about fixing it? I would really rather not lose access to my scraped sensors.


I deciphered the Warning and created a couple of Scrape Integrations to update my HA. All is good.

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Can you outline what you did? I got the same warning and came looking for a solution.


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Also interested how to fix it please

So there is actually a “Scrape” integration that you can add to Home Assistant. It then lists all the items you need to fill out (copy paste from your yaml scrape setup) and it should work.


Now that is ironic. I initially set it up as an integration but reading elsewhere I changed it to be a sensor instead.

thanks for the pointer.

using the ‘old style’ I had an authentication for the website in my config:

  • platform: scrape
    name: wechselrichter_total
    authentication: basic
    username: admin
    password: admin
    select: “script”
    index: 1
    value_template: “{{ (( value.split(‘;’)[7] ) | replace (‘var webdata_total_e = ‘,’’) |replace(‘"’, ‘’)|float(0) ) }}”
    scan_interval: 600
    unit_of_measurement: “kWh”

Using the ‘new’ format, this does not work:


  • resource:
    • name: “wechselrichter_total”
      authentication: basic
      username: admin
      password: admin
      select: “script”
      index: 1
      value_template: “{{ (( value.split(‘;’)[7] ) | replace (‘var webdata_total_e = ‘,’’) |replace(‘"’, ‘’)|float(0) ) }}”
      scan_interval: 600
      unit_of_measurement: “kWh”

Invalid config for [scrape]: [authentication] is an invalid option for [scrape]. Check: scrape->scrape->0->sensor->0->authentication. (See /config/configuration.yaml, line 71).

Can I also use authentication with the new style?
The documentation says it should work…

Ok, sorry…
sorted the attribues like this, now it seems to work:


  • resource:
    authentication: basic
    username: admin
    password: admin
    scan_interval: 600
    • name: “wechselrichter_total”
      select: “script”
      index: 1
      value_template: “{{ (( value.split(‘;’)[7] ) | replace (‘var webdata_total_e = ‘,’’) |replace(‘"’, ‘’)|float(0) ) }}”
      unit_of_measurement: “kWh”

Even though, an example with these variables would fit the documentation quite well :wink: