A small thing that doesn’t work as it should is the area of the question + answer from the telegram that I need help.
The telegram says the following:
I get a message saying which lamps are on in the house and then I get 3 options to choose what to do
Then I get a message that all the lights are on
Something in the process is not working well, can you help with this?
type or paste code here
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"g": "e9fd92d9f1bde1a1",
"name": "Send a message if lights are on when the last person leaves the house",
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"z": "b7f8abdd0cbd314c",
"g": "e9fd92d9f1bde1a1",
"name": "Format Message Lights Status",
"func": "msg.payload = {\n message: msg.payload.replace(/\\n/g, '\\\\n'),\n title: \"⚠️ Lights Status ⚠️\"\n};\nreturn msg;",
"outputs": 1,
"timeout": "",
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"finalize": "",
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"name": "Lights On",
"server": "12655a7fca458001",
"version": 0,
"template": "{%- set sensors = expand(states.light) | selectattr('state', 'eq', 'on') | list %}\n\n{%- if sensors | length > 0 %}\nThe following lights are on:\n {%- for sensor in sensors %}\n - {{ sensor.name }}\n {%- endfor %}\n{%- else %}\nAll lights are off.\n{%- endif %}\n",
"resultsLocation": "payload",
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"templateLocationType": "none",
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"wires": [
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"type": "ha-wait-until",
"z": "b7f8abdd0cbd314c",
"g": "e9fd92d9f1bde1a1",
"name": "wait x secs till lights are off",
"server": "12655a7fca458001",
"version": 2,
"outputs": 2,
"entityId": "light.",
"entityIdFilterType": "regex",
"property": "state",
"comparator": "is",
"value": "off",
"valueType": "str",
"timeout": "15",
"timeoutType": "num",
"timeoutUnits": "minutes",
"checkCurrentState": true,
"blockInputOverrides": true,
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"type": "comment",
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"name": "If no one is at home ask what to do",
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"name": "getFinishedText",
"func": "const machine = msg.payload.name\nconst text = `There are lights on in the house, but no one is home. what would you like to do?.`\n\nmsg.payload = text\nmsg.lembitu_text = text\nmsg.telegram = { chat: { id: 1234456789 } }\nreturn msg;",
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"timeout": "",
"noerr": 0,
"initialize": "",
"finalize": "",
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"g": "e9fd92d9f1bde1a1",
"name": "Decision",
"bot": "",
"chatId": "123456789",
"question": "There are lights on in the house, but no one is home. What would you like to do?",
"answers": [
"Turn Off ALL Lamps",
"Don't do anything",
"Remind 15 min",
"Remind 1 h"
"outputs": 5,
"autoAnswerCallback": false,
"verticalAnswers": true,
"timeoutValue": "10",
"timeoutUnits": "min",
"parseMode": "",
"x": 660,
"y": 6980,
"wires": [
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"type": "ha-get-entities",
"z": "b7f8abdd0cbd314c",
"g": "e9fd92d9f1bde1a1",
"name": "Get on Lamps",
"server": "12655a7fca458001",
"version": 1,
"rules": [
"property": "entity_id",
"logic": "is",
"value": "light.*",
"valueType": "re"
"property": "state",
"logic": "is",
"value": "on",
"valueType": "str"
"outputType": "split",
"outputEmptyResults": false,
"outputLocationType": "msg",
"outputLocation": "payload",
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"wires": [
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"type": "function",
"z": "b7f8abdd0cbd314c",
"g": "e9fd92d9f1bde1a1",
"name": "4 - Don't do anything",
"func": "const emojis = [\n '👍', '👌', '🙌', '👏', '🎉', '😄', '🤩', '💪', '✅', '🏆',\n '🌟', '🔥', '💯', '😊', '😁', '🙂', '😀', '😆', '😃', '🥳',\n '🤗', '😍', '🥰', '❤️', '💖', '💕', '💓', '💗', '💘', '💝',\n '💟', '💌', '🌈', '🎊', '🎈', '🎆', '🎇', '🍾', '🥂', '🎖️',\n '🥇', '🥈', '🥉', '🏅', '🎯', '🚀', '🌠', '💫', '✨', '🎶'\n ];\n\nfunction getRandomEmoji() {\n const randomIndex = Math.floor(Math.random() * emojis.length);\n return emojis[randomIndex];\n}\n\nmsg.payload = getRandomEmoji();\nreturn msg;",
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"initialize": "",
"finalize": "",
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