The thermostat is missing "Manufacturer Specific" from its list of supported modes, although the mode is supported


Since I upgraded to 2022.6.0, I started to see the following message for all my Eurotronics Z-Wave thermostats:

The thermostat is missing “Manufacturer Specific” from its list of supported modes, although the mode is supported. Application-specific workarounds may be necessary to switch to “Manufacturer Specific” mode.

Any clue what this means and those workarounds are/could be?

Thanks for your help.

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I just discovered the same Message and would also be thankful for advice.

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No solutions yet? I’m having the same problem.

I have the same problem, but no solution.
Since upgrading to 2022.9 all thermostats have 2 new entities, but on some the old entity continues operation and the new ones are unavailable, on others it is vice versa.

Edit: 2022.9.5 fixed the issue with the entities after re-interviewing all thermostats. The release notes mention a bugfix which sounds related.
The warning about “Manufacturer Specific” is still there, but seems to have no consequences.

Anyone know how to force the device into “Manufacturer Specific” mode? I am using ZWave JS UI and want to be able to control the valve directly.


You can try this service call within HA:

service: zwave_js.invoke_cc_api
  command_class: "64"
  method_name: set
    - 31
    - type: buffer
      data: [1, 2]

You have to plug in the manufacturer specific data as bytes.

Thanks. Here is the yaml version of the call I ran:

service: zwave_js.invoke_cc_api
  command_class: "64"
  method_name: set
    - 31
    - type: buffer
        - 1
        - 2
  entity_id: climate.thermostat_cuisine

and this resulted in the following error:

Logger: homeassistant.helpers.script.websocket_api_script
Source: helpers/
First occurred: 18:50:54 (4 occurrences)
Last logged: 18:54:14

websocket_api script: Error executing script. Error for call_service at pos 1: 1 error(s): Endpoint(node_id=32, index=0) - FailedZWaveCommand: Z-Wave error 322: manufacturerData is not a (optional) Buffer (ZW0322)

Try type: Buffer instead.

The service ran Ok, but the the message still appears. I re-interviewed the device, but nothing changes.