The unit has changed - sensor units chnage back and forth depending on availability

Hi guys.

Twice a year, when I turn on or off heaters (meaning still connected but not heating) when the seasons change, I am getting an issue similar to this the below.
Background: Power is read from heaters and other equipment by powercalc integration, but when the power goes to 0 after some time, all powercalc sensors units go from ’ ’ to kWh or vice versa.

The unit of Heater energy monthly peak’ (sensor.heater_energy_monthly_peak) changed to ‘’ which can’t be converted to the previously stored unit, ‘kWh’.
If the historic statistic values have a wrong unit, you can update the units of the old values. The values will not be updated.
Otherwise you can choose to delete all historic statistic values, and start over.

This happens when heaters are turned off and no power is being read from the sensors. Subsequently, all powercalc sensors change from kWh to ’ ’ (nothing).
Very annoying as I now have 31 warnings and would have to go through all of them and the same again in a few months time when they change back to kWh.

Is there a long-term fix for this? Is this a sensor thing or a powercalc integration issue?
Anything the powercalc developer can do or something I can do in HA?

Cheers and thanks.