The water cooler problem

We have a water cooler at the office, which needs regular refilling. The tank is covered by a jacket, so you can’t see how empty it is.

I envisage some sort of float that would be bluetooth connected and could tell ha the warer level. I don’t think anything based on a ultrasonic sensor would work.

Any ideas?

I once bought Camelbak’s water meter. It’s a basic displacement meter with an attachable digital display. It needs to be reset upon refill. I can imagine there’s a pipe in the watercooler you could cut to insert it and then use an ESP to pick up the pulses. Maybe even the built-in hall sensor would work.

I don’t know if they still make them though, but there are probably tons of such displacement meters on e.g. AliExpress.

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I know some people put pressure sensors at the bottom of boat water or fuel tanks to sense the level of liquid. I haven’t done it so I can’t offer much more detail, but maybe it’s something to look into.{"sku_id"%3A"66908382474"}&pdp_npi=3%40dis!NZD!7.47!5.61!!!!!%40211beca116772842018893368d06f3!66908382474!sea!NZ!890852018&curPageLogUid=NKlRVcsa6Xs7

Wire it to a esp32

Not a digital interface.

No, but analogue sensors do work with esp. However this one looks digital

you could use an Amazon Dash shelf hacked to use an ESP8266 and an HX711 board to connect it. The large shelf can handle up to 200 lb (91kg).

I use something more DIY (I don’t use the dash shelf) for my propane cylinders.


Not a bad suggestion !

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