Theben Luxor Living System

Hello. Can you please make an Integration for the KNX Smart home System Luxorliving from Theben? (Ist doesn‘t work with the KNX Integration)

Also having LuxorLiving myself. Can’t wait for Home Assistant support for it!
I couldn’t make it work with Home Assistant KNX integration yet.

Hello. I bought a normal KNX gateway and just plugged it in and I got it working. With the money from tzhe teben gateway I only spend like 50 Euro for the upgrade.

Yes I did the same. Separate KNX IP gateway and works like a charme now with Home Assistant.

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Hey, can you please explain a little bit further what you did? So you installed a seperate KNX IP Gateway (which one?) without using ETS or with ETS?

Hi @ all,

I have also LuxorLiving and I bought a separate KNX IP Gateway.
Without ETS it looks like (status LEDs on Gateway) that it is working fine.
In home assistant I was able to connect the KNX Integration to the gateway.

But now I have the problem to tell Home Assistant (KNX Integration) about my LuxorLiving Project.

Thank you in advance. Regards David

Any updates? I need the same setup! Can someone explain more details?

Hello, With which KNX gateway did you upgrade the Luxorliving ip1? Which models work with HA and “old Luxorliving” system?

Which one did you use? :slight_smile:

Hi @ all,

I used the cheapest one, which I found.

CONTROLtronic IPI.1.8.2

It works fine out of the box.

But now I see only the KNX communications.
My wish is an easy way to translate it.

Maybe somebody knows how.
Regards David