Theme Backend selected out of reach

Good to hear it did work. Your issue would seem to be a separate matter, possibly related to the mobile app and/or automation specifically.

It didnt work though.

Its the same issue. Its been this way for months. It ueed to wprk fine. And thr automation works fine on every other browser.

Thing is. Some of us cannot select the backend-select theme option anymore. It used to sometimes work. Now. It just wont show up. Whoch i think started around the timr we got dark and light theme options.

Something changed and it wasnt on my end.

it is required to shrink the browser window several times, e.g. with ā€œctrl and -ā€ so that the ā€œBackend-selecteā€ theme appears, which allows you to change the theme using the ā€œfrontend.set_themeā€ service and in the mobile application I donā€™t know how to do it

But you did open an issue and now it will be on the list of things to be fixed. :+1:

Which you should have done three years ago @Mariusthvdb :slight_smile: Iā€™m surprised it has gone unreported for this long.

haha yes

tbh, Iā€™ve never looked at that again, because my themes are working as expected, and use the backend select.

do have a (probably) related issue though: input_select dropdown wont show completely or scroll down Ā· Issue #9416 Ā· home-assistant/frontend Ā· GitHub