Theme hassio page to default in 0.91.2 and 0.91.3

I have a dark theme and since the last update (0.91.2) the hassio page (where we can find snapshots, add ons, …) went to the default theme.

All other pages are in the custom theme.

Does someone else has this “issue”?

I have this issue too.

I do wish sometimes that changes to CSS and rendering were better documented in the release notes - I feel like I am always playing catch-up to make my themes look as intended as there’s always little ‘tweaks’ in each release that break theme rendering.

EDIT: the devs are actively cleaning up the CSS by the looks of things and are starting to compile a library of values to make theming easier -

Hope this helps!

Have this as well

Same I noticed after 0.91.1 it started.