Thermal Comfort custom sensor platform

Add his name or whatever on git hub, or specifically the url of him.

Now I get it! I just didn’t see the “Custom repositories”. Everything works wonderfully now! Thank you very much for your help! Now I can air my rooms properly :slight_smile:

For the records (if someone has the same problem) here the screenshot:

Thank you Thomas_Margotta for your help and thank you Anton Dolezsa for this great tool!

Lol right this thing is badass, I’m just trying to figure out how to use all this data to find what the relative humidity of the outside is at the temperature of inside. Like to convert it somehow. I’m not 100% on how to do that. Basically trying to figure out if it should turn on the auto humidifier automation or the auto dehumidifier automation, now it sometimes pinpongs between dehumidifying or humidifying because it becomes too humid then too arid then too humid, just repeatedly. Wasting a bunch of electricity making noise and being generally counterproductive.

Like If the outside air were to come inside and become a different temperature, what would the relative humidity be for the air. I’m still stuck on that because I’m not sure what I’m doing.

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Do you know what mathematical formula I can use, maybe in templates, to take the values and make that kinda conversion and stick it into a variable or a sensor?

What do you want to achieve? If you want to control a humidifier/dehumidifier you just need the rel humidity in your room you want to control. You should add some hysterisis to the control otherwise it will constantly switch between humidifying and dehumidifying.
If you have a fan, e.g. between outside and basement, you should use the absulute humidity to control the fan, because of the temperature differences,

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Ya so I actually already figured out how to calculate relative humidity using the values from thermal comfort and am using that. I need to know if it is more or less humid outside relative to inside. I needed to know what the airs humidity is when entering. Which it does because no house’s are perfect. It needs to be at a consistent humidity for a chinchilla and to keep it from bouncing back and forth between humidifier and dehumidifier I needed the outside humidity when it enters to see which way my apartment will tend to drift to determine whether to turn on a humidifier or dehumidifier or turn on nothing and save electricity

I just compare the outside absolute humidity with the inside absolute humidity. If my inside relative humidity is above 60% I receive an alarm on my phone. By comparing the absolute humidity outside with the absolute humidity inside, I can see, if it is worth to open the windows. Because if the absolute humidity outside is less than inside, I will let dry air into the room. Of cause the relative humidity will increase during ventilation, as the temperature is dropping at the moment if I open the window. But closing the window and turn on the heating slightly will result in less moist air. Thats what I am doing at the moment.
If it is raining outside and the absolute humidity is higher than inside, I know that ventilation would increase the humidity inside.
Hope it is possible to follow my thoughts

Hey users of Thermal Comfort. I am currently looking for feedback in regards of default icons for the sensors.

I have configured a few thermal comfort sensors via my configuration.yaml. I didnt specify which sensor needed to be generated, so it generated all available options. As I dont use the vast majority of them I wanted to remove the ones I dont use. Here however I get stuck. The created sensors cannot be managed via the UI. Adding the required sensor types in the configuration seems to have no effect on the already created sensors either.

What can I do to remove the unneeded sensors from my install?

Hey Kire88, sorry for the late reply. Did you give the sensors a unique_id? this allows to manage them trough the UI.

Hi, l love the thermal comfort sensor.

What is the easiest way to set the number of significant digits for this sensor?

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Hi,I have a problem with configuration. I am setting it up through the frontend and want to use polling, but when I click on “configure” the dialog does not have the sensors remembered I had set up before and does not show the two checkboxes for “Enable Polling” and “Use custom icons pack”. It is working fine though, the history lines are just jagged.
Is there something I might have done wrong or is this a bug?image

It’s a bug I sadly introduced when switching to the entity selector. It will be fixed in the next release. Sorry.

If you are comfortable with editing the files yourself this is the fix:

Disclaimer: I am sure I am doing something completely dumb.

I have been using Thermal Comfort integration since 2020. In building a new instance of HA, the state for sensor.thermal_comfort_perception reports simply as “dry” in markdown or developer tools. What it used to report (and I can see this language if I click on the entity in Lovelace) is “A bit dry for some”.

This was never a problem for me in the past. Where is the longer state text hiding out? I cannot find it in an attribute. My total guess is that “dry” is the simple marker for the icon now being output in the state field, which previously had the longer, narrative text.

This integration is near to be deprecated…

Logger: homeassistant.helpers.frame
Source: helpers/
First occurred: 14 de diciembre de 2022, 23:26:52 (4 occurrences)
Last logged: 14 de diciembre de 2022, 23:26:52

* Detected integration that uses temperature utility. This is deprecated since 2022.10 and will stop working in Home Assistant 2023.4, it should be updated to use unit_conversion.TemperatureConverter instead. Please report issue to the custom integration author for thermal_comfort using this method at custom_components/thermal_comfort/, line 604: fahrenheit = temperature.celsius_to_fahrenheit(self._temperature)
* Detected integration that uses temperature utility. This is deprecated since 2022.10 and will stop working in Home Assistant 2023.4, it should be updated to use unit_conversion.TemperatureConverter instead. Please report issue to the custom integration author for thermal_comfort using this method at custom_components/thermal_comfort/, line 626: return round(temperature.fahrenheit_to_celsius(hi), 2)
* Detected integration that uses temperature utility. This is deprecated since 2022.10 and will stop working in Home Assistant 2023.4, it should be updated to use unit_conversion.TemperatureConverter instead. Please report issue to the custom integration author for thermal_comfort using this method at custom_components/thermal_comfort/, line 696: fahrenheit = temperature.celsius_to_fahrenheit(self._temperature)
* Detected integration that uses temperature utility. This is deprecated since 2022.10 and will stop working in Home Assistant 2023.4, it should be updated to use unit_conversion.TemperatureConverter instead. Please report issue to the custom integration author for thermal_comfort using this method at custom_components/thermal_comfort/, line 707: return round(temperature.fahrenheit_to_celsius(si), 2)

Seriously near? That’s still 4 months from now, and master has the changes ready for 2.0. 4 months to do a clean 2.0 release. This is a deprecation warning introduced 2 months ago. I’l backport the patch to 1.5.x so people stop complaining about deprecation warnings. The integration isn’t near anything to be deprecated…


i currently get the follwoing error notification:

Logger: homeassistant.config
First occurred: 08:12:17 (1 occurrences)
Last logged: 08:12:17

Invalid config for [thermal_comfort]: required key not provided @ data['sensor'][0]['unique_id']. Got None. (See /config/configuration.yaml, line 246).

all i use is in the configuration.yaml

  - custom_icons: true  # global option for the entry
    - name: Wohnzimmer
      poll: true
      temperature_sensor: sensor.temperatur_wohnzimmer
      humidity_sensor: sensor.temperatur_wohnzimmer_2
        - absolute_humidity
        - heat_index
        - dew_point_perception

What is wrong?

Thanks in advance

unique_id is required in yaml since 3.0.0 to support home assistants new translation system. Just noticed it was missing from the example in yaml and just updated it.