Thermal Receipt Printer with MQTT handler for printing lists

I’ve had a themal printer sitting about the house for ages after getting the idea to use it to print shopping lists and notifications. I’ve looked at various solutions and most involved using an esp device which for a couple of reasons I didn’t want to do. I already have numerous always-on machines that I thought I could use instead. I’ve probably made my life too hard for myself but here we are.

There are a few elements to this. A docker container running CUPS and a python script to listen to MQTT messages, a couple of scripts in HA to fetch and format lists and an entry into config.yaml to handle notifications. Notifications are a work in progress so not included here.

Github repo for the docker container:

A couple of examples of the HA scripts used to get a list of items from a todo list - in this case my mealie shopping list:

And a photo of the lists it produces.