Hi there !
I have an issue with my new heater. It’s a Zigbee device that can be connected to ZHA without issue.
The only problem is that it goes to “heat/cool” after few seconds in HA and when doing so I can not control it anymore.
I need to put it to off then heat to get back the control (and there is an other issue but related to this device. When hitting the heat button in HA the heater goes to frost mode).
I want to add that the heater is still manageable even if it is in Frost mode and not in “box mode” (so controlled by the box). So for me it clearly seems to be coming from HA.
Like this :
How can I get rid of this heat/cool restriction ? (there is not even a cooling feature, it’s just a heater …)
I should be able to manage the temperature when I want from HA.
I also seen in the developper panel that the heater is working well when it is in SystemMode.Emergency_Heating state
Here it’s working :
Here it is NOT working :