Thermostat Card Buttons Not Updating?

Sigh - I restarted the homeassistant and lost the logs. Is there some place where logs from previous runs are backed up?

I am unsure what is happening but even though this post is from 2020, it seems that this problem returned. I have noticed that the HA integration is not updating the set temperature unless you reload the integration. It does respond to the set temperature on the Nest itself, but just doesn’t report it back to HA. This happens every few days it seems and then after the reload it works again for a while.

I did notice the fact that if you rapidly change temperatures (noticed during testing), that it throws API errors about having too many API calls in a short time frame and I am wondering if that is why it fails to report the set temperature back to HA.

The API has rate limits, independent of any update problems.

I would say run the release 2025.2.x which is being released tomorrow and see if it resolves your issue (there seemed to be an issue where things were getting stuck, and the subscriber has been rewritten and that avoids it). Otherwise, file a github issue report and fill out the template with the requseted information if you think there is an issue.

ah that makes sense. Let’s hope that fixes the issues. Thx for the quick response!

I am glad you asked this question. I had the same issue start happing again a few months ago with my card not updating. What I did to fix it at least for now was to lower the reporting threshold to 0.5. Since doing that my card is now reporting and updating correctly.

I will move it back after this next update to see if it was fixed. I will report back and let you know if it fixed the issue. But try what I did above if the update does not help.

Z-Wave? My Nest thermostats have their own integration: Google Nest. I’ve never had a problem with them.

What did you mean by Z-Wave? Yes, there are numerous integrations and happy you are on Nest. This Is a card that isn’t updating no matter the integration.