Thermostat Card Buttons Not Updating?

I have my Google Nest Thermostat connected to HA and a thermostat card on my home screen, as shown in the below screenshot. The issue I’m having is that the card, and the integration in general is not updating unless I go to Integrations -> Reload and manually reload it. Basically I can change the mode from heat to cool to off just fine, but whatever mode the thermostat is in when I reload the integration is the only mode I can change temperature in. For example, as shown in the screenshot below, I am in “cool” mode, and thus I can change temp just fine. If I change the temp on the actual Nest itself, the temp will not update, though. In addition, although I theoretically can change to heat, if I press the heat button the card does not update saying the thermostat is in heat mode (even though it is). It stays on cool, and while I’m in “heat” mode I can no longer change the temperature unless I change it back to cool mode (or the original mode it was in after the last reload).

I followed this guide: very, very closely. I redid the guide 3 times, checked every single step multiple times, re did my pub/sub subscription, OAuth, made sure to enable the Smart Devices API, and re-pasted all my IDs into the configuration.yaml. I’m completely out of ideas here as I’ve done everything, and I’m just not sure what to do at this point because being able to control my Nest is absolutely critical to me using HA at all.

Thanks for your help.

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I have exactly the same thing. Changing the set temp on the Thermostat card (dial) will also set a new temp in the Nest. But there is no feedback from Nest to HA at all. It seems that only when you Reload the Integration, it will get the correct feedback, but only once. So the temperature reading and RH don’t change in HA, but do in the Nest and Nest app. Also setting a new temp through the config button (3 dots), doesn’t change a thing…

Same issue. Tried to graph the current temperature and humidity along with targets but the value only updates when I restart home assistant or the integration.

Well I wish I had better news for you all, but I can’t figure out how I fixed it. I just deleted the integration and completely remade all my Google API stuff for the 4th time and now it works. HA communicates with Nest and vice versa, the thermostat card changes to red and blue now depending on what setting I choose, etc. Sorry that’s not any help, but maybe completely re-doing everything could fix it for you guys too.

Thanks anyway. At least this gives some hope! Short question: I also followed the Maarten Damen quick guide, but it gave me a problem when copying the “pub/ sub topic” from the Device Access Console and pasting this into the Google Cloud Console, when making a new subscription.
Also, there is the project name in the Device Access Console, but in the Google Cloud Console, there is a different project name. Which project name should be used in the Subscription?

What I did now in the Home Assistant config file, under [subscriber_ID] is: projects/{Google Cloud project + a number?}/subscription/{Device Access Console project name}

It also seems that the Topic name in the Google Cloud Console is not a copy from the Pub/Sub topic from the Device Access Console (projects/sdm-prod/topics/enterprise + number XYZ), but it starts with the Google Cloud Console project: projects/GCC project + number/topics/ enteprise + number XYZ)

Probably I did something wrong, but somehow I can’t get it to work :frowning:

Exact same issue here. Works to control the thermostat, but not getting the feedback in HA cards. If I reboot the HA server, it gets the correct info but just doesn’t update naturally or when I open a dashboard. Followed guides and pretty sure it is all good. Would be great to find out what is happing here? Thanks all and glad it isn’t just me! About to lose my mind fixing this. On the plus side, all my Nest cameras are working well (though 20 seconds lag).

Same issue here. I can watch the nest app on my phone update with the button pushes in the HA dashboard, but the HA card buttons don’t change. Thinking about starting from scratch but the authentication piece gave me so much grief before that I’m hesitant to go through that again.

Got the same problem here.
Thermostat shows in Hassio.
Initialy it gets the right data.
But does not update at all.
I can change temp and it will trigger the nest thermostat.
But if I change the thermostat on its own, nothing happens in Hassio.
An update_entity does nothing, restarting the nest service does.

Removed and recreated all google links and stuff over 9 times now. Hope someone figures it out :slight_smile:

Has to be a problem with the integration or card since we are all getting it. Cannot be a setup issue as I tried it multiple times too. Will have to wait for an update or someone to come up with “hack” to force an update every 15 minutes or something.

Same problem with my Sensi Thermostat integration, thought it was just me. Only updates settings after a restart of HA.

Hello there! I am using eq3 BLE TRVs (through eq3btsmart) and I am getting the same behaviour for entities coming through a remote home assistant installation (using the ‘remote home-assistant’ integration). On the local one, they work fine. The remote ones only update their status if I manually reload the ‘remote home-assistant’ integration. As a workaround, how can we automatically reload integrations?

To all those who had this issue of HA Cards not updating – did you resolve it, if so how?

facing same issue with Tuya WIFI thermostat :frowning: any luck to fix this ?

I have the same issue and no fix just an observation.

To the zwave communiity:

I have the Radio Thermostat Company of America (RTC) - CT101.

The cards are just fine and update but what is not refreshing correctly is zwave-js. I downloaded the zwave to MQTT and have way more control than the standard zwave-js. I am able to refresh the operating state sensor from the console now and I can get the card to change. So, the card is fine but how can I get zwave to refresh the sensor when it is triggered on and monitored until off?

Seems like a refresh thing in the thermostat or zwave module. But I am having the same issue as everyone else.

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Same issue here. I just went through hell and back setting up SSL and external access (damn websockets) for this one integration that doesn’t seem to work. External access goes against all of my security best practices too! One-two punch and I’m out, sorry Nest, in with the EcoBee (for the second time now).

I see the same behavior with some Tuya zigbee radiator thermostats. Initially they all worked okay, now one or both fail to update for hours and hours. Oddly, the temperatures match i.e. with the Smartlife app, so I am not sure if this is an actual HA problem.

I would beg to differ that this isn’t a HA problem. The temps match but the status does not. Not too sure why. I have every one of my 50 other devices work as they should and show the correct current action/status of the device. The/my thermostat has never shown the current status correctly even after many add/removes I have done to get it to work as it should. Not a big deal but would like to see it work correctly. I never had this issue in Smartthings. It showed what was happening on the device. This is an HA issue and this should work better than it is.

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Just to add to this… I switched over my radiator valves from a Tuya hub and Tuya integration to a Zigbee coordinator and ZHA and still get this exact same behavior.
Updated 2 or 3 times after pairing, and not since (2 hours). Even reloading ZHA doesn’t change it.

I think there may be a multitude of root causes for this symptom. I was similarly able to control my thermostat, but the state wasn’t updating in the lovelace UI.

I found error messages in my home-assistant.log indicating that the nest integration python script was trying to unpack celsius values from Google’s response. Changing my units from metric to imperial fixed the issue for me.

It occurred to me to try this because I recently changed from imperial to metric, and noticed a few days later that the thermostat view was broken. Note that you should change the units in configuration.yaml (after restart, those will always override the units you set from the UI).

  1. for the history of this issue, likely folks in 2020 had pubsub misconfigured which is no longer possible to do.

  2. what is this about Celsius and Fahrenheit errors? That sounds like a huge unexpected problem that needs to be fixed. What was logged?

Context: am nest integration maintainer