Recently I installed smart heating system in my house using Tado.
This all works fine using the Tado app and now I’m working on the integration in HA.
In my setup there are some rooms with multiple Tado devices.
For example the living room has the wired Thermostat + 2 radiator valves.
There seem to be two ways to do this in HA, Tado cloud or trough HomeKit.
HA detected both, so currently I installed both integrations.
Both solutions seem to have pro/con.
Tado Cloud:
- Can read battery info
- Can read mode
- Can read presets
- Can read/control each device separated (temperature/humidity)
My preference would be using HomeKit integration so I can use it without cloud dependency.
In this case I don’t know how to have a Thermostat card controlling a room instead of a device.
Like the cloud integration I want to be able to set the living room temperature, which should set all 3 devices in the living room to the same target temperature.
I guess with the cloud integration, this is also what Tado does behind the scene.
So the main question:
How to create a thermostat card controlling multiple devices?
Kind regards,