Thermostat Card Mixing Up Fahrenheit/Celsius Values

I just installed a fresh copy of Home Assistant (HaOS 9.5) on my RPi 4, and the thermostat card is displaying the celsius value for the current temperature, even though I have Fahrenheit set as the preferred unit. I have attached a screenshot below to show the issue. The first card is to show what should be displayed, with the thermostat card following it.

I have tried changing over to celsius and then back to Fehrenheit to see if that resolves the issue, but it doesn’t. I have also gone into the terminal and issued the command

ha core restart

But the issue still persists. Any ideas as to what is going on, and how I can fix this is greatly appreciated.


I had this battle myself, with Octoprint temperature sensors specifically. In my case, the sensor was reporting a F number. For whatever reason, HA was unable to realize that, insisting it was C, then performing a second C to F conversion.

After much searching (mainly this forum) and combining bits of other postings, I came up with this YAML. Basically, it looks at the “wrong” value sensor, corrects it, and exposes it as a new sensor that I use in cards. Hope this is useful to you!

# fix stupid converted C to F twice temps
    - sensor:
        name: "octoprint_temp_c_ambient"
        unit_of_measurement: "°C"
        state: "{{ (((states('sensor.octoprint_actual_ambient_temp') | float(0)) - 32) * 0.5556) | round(1)}}"

Thanks for sharing this. I am not sure what happened, but the issue appears to have corrected itself after a day of just sitting there.