Thermostat card not updating

I have Eurotronics Spirit zwave TRVs. I am currently using z-wave-JS-to-MQTT add-on.
The problem is that the state of my climate.thermostat_ entities is not updating.
For example if I switch my TRV from Off to Heating using the Thermostat card the TRV will switch on the thermostat card will still show that it is off.
In the z-wave-JS-to-MQTT control panel the thermostat mode will correctly switch to Heating mode.
The actual TRV will also correctly react and switch on to heating mode.
However when I check in the Developer Tools → States the state for my climate.thermostat_ entity is off.

However if I change the Heating mode in the z-wave-JS-to-MQTT control panel the card is updated correctly, the state of the climate.thermostat_ entity changes

What am I missing here?