Thermostat card works, but underlying service calls don't

My Thermostat lovelace card works fine, but manually calling climate services on the same entity does not work. Any ideas why that would be happening?

Details: I have a Nest thermostat integrated by the Badnest integration (mattsch repo on HACS). I have a simple thermostat lovelace card pointing to climate.dining_room_thermostat that works perfectly. Can turn on, off, set temperatures, exactly as expected.

However, when I call service calls from either Developer Tools or Node Red, nothing happens. Logs show nothing. I’ve added logger with custom_components.badnest: debug and nothing gets logged, either when I’m using the working card or the non-working service calls/node red call service nodes.

Not sure what else to try cause I can’t get any visibility into workings because logs aren’t showing anything even w/ ‘debug’ level.

Thermostat card config (works as expected):

entity: climate.dining_room_thermostat
name: HVAC
type: thermostat

Service call data (climate.set_temperature; does nothing):

entity_id: climate.dining_room_thermostat
temperature: 66
hvac_mode: heat

Anyone else having this trouble? Any pointers on where I can look to see what’s not working?

So, more troubleshooting: it appears that the only climate service call that doesn’t work is set_temperature. Turn_on, set_hvac_mode, etc all work fine.

Set_temperature doesn’t work for either “auto” mode (target_high/low_temp) or “heat”/“cool” mode (“temperature”).


Here is the code

As this isn’t part of home assistant, I suggest you ask in mattsch’s github issues page.

FURTHER troubleshooting: set_temperature works when you don’t include hvac_mode. So to set a temperature and hvac mode, you have to make 2 service calls: set_temperature and set_hvac_mode.

Created an issue on the badnest repo. Got a work around for now. Hoping this thread is helpful to anyone else experiencing the same issue. Hoping the ‘native’ Nest integration supports thermostats soon.