Thermostat Controls V2

I tried searching but most topics were already closed so here it is. I’m thinking an interface to take this to the next level. I’m not sure what other interfaces look like on mobile besides Nest so I’m going to use Nest as an example. There’s a spin wheel to set the temperature which can very quickly be set, perhaps with with a few buttons to switch between Cold/Heat and Away/Home. Other ideas?

I very often have to set my thermostat to home, then cold/heat, and wait for it to display some sort of temperature. On days when I don’t have time, i have to press the up/down arrow 70 times to get it close to 70F.

Other ideas?


You can create an interface with toggles and sliders and pull down menus to select a setting. Then have an automation put that setting into effect.

There was a good example awhile back on the forum but I cannot seem to find it. If you need help getting started post up an example of what you want to do we can figure out how to implement it.

Definitely saw that, I’m looking for something with a scroll wheel like the image to set temperature. Not sure about others but to me it’s uber easy to use the Nest interface.

Ahh, didn’t realize you were looking for exactly that. Closest that I am aware of in HA is the input slider, Its a side to side slide vs. a round dial.