Thermostat entity change whit home assistant update

Whit the home assistant update 2021.6.6 to 2021.7.1 my thermostat split entity sensor
Whit 6.6 i have everything is in (temperature humidity etc) and its the only place it show
Whit 7.1 now i a have whit temperature but no humidity information and new entity called sensor.xxx_local whit other information and humidity

Now i can’t have humidity and temperature in the same card ,mabe i do something wrong?
The thermostat is a stelpro SMT402 and is connected whit zigbee2mqtt,in lovelace i use simple thermostat to display temperature,humidity and ajustement

I double check my mqtt msg and nothing change.
Can i fix that or a have to stay on 2021.6.6 ?
On home assistant 2021.11.5 i manage to have temperature and humidity but the gui become realy slow and the console trow a lot of error

I attach some picture to show the entity before and afther
home assistant 6.6

home assistant 7.1

Just change your thermostat card to use the new sensor.

Is there any other reason you are four versions behind (2021.11 is the current version)?

The default card don’t use arrow to ajust the temp and I think I can add humidity.On the more recent version i was able to have both but juste like a say the console trow a lot of error and Lovelace was unstable ,I think it’s because of to different entity in the card (

I really want to be up to date but I don’t know how to fix this probleme or how to search for this on Google (I am a Google warrior :joy: )

I don’t understand why before 2021.6.6 all the mqtt msg was in one entity and now it separed,in the locked entity I have humidity and curent temp :confused:

My understanding is in a thermostat card you cannot add a lock feature and this is why Lovelace become unstable

Whit simple-thermostat in version 2021.6.6 I use this

type: custom:simple-thermostat
entity: climate.sous_sol
name: Sous Sol
  - attribute: humidity
    name: Humidity
    unit: '%'
  name: Sous sol

But whit update 2021.11.5 humidity is no more in climate.sous_sol

Please format your pasted config.

Like it says you can in the documentation.

type: custom:simple-thermostat
entity: climate.sous_sol
name: Sous Sol
  - entity: sensor.xxx_local
    name: Humidity
    unit: ‘%’

I made some test and if i change my card for this

type: custom:simple-thermostat
entity: climate.sous_sol
name: Sous Sol
  - entity: sensor.sous_sol_local_temperature
    attribute: humidity
    name: Humidity
    unit: '%'
  name: Sous sol


All info show whit no probleme so far.

In my log i still have error whit mqtt every 2 minute
for all my mqtt thermostat

can i ignore it ?

Source: components/mqtt/
Integration: MQTT (documentation, issues)
First occurred: 9:28:11 AM (111 occurrences)
Last logged: 10:00:47 AM

Invalid option for select.salle_de_jeux_keypad_lockout: '0' (valid options: ['unlock', 'lock1', 'lock2'])
Invalid option for select.sous_sol_keypad_lockout: '0' (valid options: ['unlock', 'lock1', 'lock2'])
Invalid option for select.salle_dordi_keypad_lockout: '0' (valid options: ['unlock', 'lock1', 'lock2'])
Invalid option for select.chambre_emrick_keypad_lockout: '0' (valid options: ['unlock', 'lock1', 'lock2'])
Invalid option for select.chambre_izae_keypad_lockout: '0' (valid options: ['unlock', 'lock1', 'lock2'])

At the time i wrote my reply a got a bunch of error… and lovelace become unresponsive.I delete everything and i start from scratch, i will see if a got the same error