Thermostat Valve Maintenance

This automation opens and closes all controllable thermostat valves once a week to ensure they do not stick. The thermostats are then reset to the original temperature.
All thermostats integrated in Home Assistant are automatically detected and controled.
Thermostats that are not to be controlled can be excluded.
The day of execution and the time can also be set.
The delay between the actions can be controlled, some thermostats (fritz) need longer time to synchronize for changes.

Open your Home Assistant instance and show the blueprint import dialog with a specific blueprint pre-filled.

Hello Guido,

Thanks for contributing to the community with a new Blueprint.

I have a suggestion for you. Many people who are not familiar with directory structures will have problems installing this without the Home Assistant MY tools.

Adding a MY link for this Blueprint to your top post would help them a lot.

Here is the link to make that.
Create a link – My Home Assistant

Thanks for the hint, i have inserted the MY link.

1 Like

Hi Guido,

thanks for this Blueprint.

For me, there’s one problem: I have to exclude 1 thermostat minimum to save the automation. But I want this to work for all thermostats and don’t want to exclude anything.
Why ist the field “Thermostats to Exclude” a mandatory field?

Thanks, Thomas

Thanks you for your feedback.
i’ve corrected it, the field is no longer mandentory.