I’m fairly new to Home Assistant (after >5 years of Domoticz) using it wit X10 dimmers and switches and Zigbee roller blind controllers with a Conbee II dongle and ZHA.
I would like to install some Zigbee Radiator Thermostat valves.
Where can I find out what works with a Conbee II and ZHA? Is anything said to work with a Conbee II automatically compatible with HA-ZHA? (like here: Database of Zigbee devices compatible with ZHA, Tasmota, Zigbee2MQTT, deCONZ, ZiGate and ioBroker )
Thank you
Also looking for some Thermostat valves for my Conbee II , and homeassistant.
What is working ? I am still using the ‘old’ docker image of Conbee II.
Thanks for any tips .
After doing some research it seems that a popular option is the Danfoss Ally valve. I just bought a set of them and they work nicely so far. Zigbee2mqtt support is very good. ZHA needs more tinkering if you want more than the most basic controls.