Thermostat, zigbee switch not selectable

Hello everyone,
i want to create a virtual thermostat in HA but i can’t select the correct item to use a s switch.
My switch object is a NodOn SIN 4-1-20 zigbee
When i create the virtual thermostat, i can’t choose it

Does i’m doing something wrong or is ther another method to do it ?

I finally find that my device has a device_class as ‘light’ and the basic thermostat need ‘switch’ or ‘FAN’ device_class.

It’s possible to change the device_class of my device or to add ‘light’ device-Class to Basic Thermostat ?

Perhaps something went wrong when pairing the switch.
I would try and reset the device, remove it from HA and re-pair it.

I already dit it three times but nothing change

You can create a Template Switch in the Helper menu which will create a switch entity that can be used for what you are doing.


Many thanks, i got it working !