Thermostats "value text" in entities card too long for card

I have Netatmo Thermostats, and has them added to an entities card for a quick overview. However the “Value” returned is longer than the card on most of my displays.

What are my options if I want to truncate the text somehow.
Like if possible I’d like the whole “- Schedule 22.5” part removed so it’ll fit.

Alternatively, is there a way to force they layout in a view/dashboard to X number of columns, that doesn’t involve dealing with stacks?



  - entity: climate.netatmo_kokkenet
    name: KK
  - entity: climate.netatmo_stuen
    name: LR
  - entity: climate.netatmo_sovevaerelset
    name: MB
  - entity: climate.netatmo_bornevaerelset
    name: AB
show_header_toggle: false
title: Thermostats
type: entities

I found this topic on Google. I habe the same problem with Homematic thermostats.
Especially on devices with smaller Resolution the name is not readable.
Has anyone a solution for this? I like the entities card for a quick overview much more than climate cards. For me just Auto/Manual or “Auto 1” should bei enough.