ThermoWorks BLE Devices

Support for ThermoWorks Bluetooth / BLE devices via core integration

I have 2 different thermoworks ble devices, a bluedot and a signal. I’ve been able to capture and document how both work as well as I’ve created a couple stand alone proof of concept python scripts.

I envision that this would work like the core oral-b or xiaomi ble integrations.

I would also be willing to work on this myself with the exception of having to get parts of it into the core. @bdraco would you be wiling to help with that if I help?

POC and Documents are at GitHub - wnoisephx/thermoworks-ble

Most of the devices use advertisements to communicate the changes on sensors so they don’t need an active connection. It would be a shame if an active connection is required since it means there is a large subset of users who couldn’t use the integration because active connections have significantly shorter range requirements and the Shelly bluetooth proxies cannot make them currently.

There are some example libs here Bluetooth Devices · GitHub