I’m using this component and it’s working normally.
In the configuration example you are configuring only one sensor:
api_key: MY_API_KEY
id: 1337
whitelist: sensor.yr_temperature
How do I put more than one sensor?
I’m using this component and it’s working normally.
In the configuration example you are configuring only one sensor:
api_key: MY_API_KEY
id: 1337
whitelist: sensor.yr_temperature
How do I put more than one sensor?
I’m presuming you’ve tried a hyphenated list? If not, this should work:
api_key: MY_API_KEY
id: 1337
whitelist: sensor.yr_temperature
thingspeak 2:
id: 1338
whitelist: sensor.yr_temperature
Not working
I also tested a section
thingspeak 2:
Just as a side note if anyone is wondering (like I was): The ThingSpeak - Home Assistant documentation is wrong / misleading: “… it records exactly one entity at once” where it should be it "it records exactly one entity at all / at most "
See here: send multiple values with integration ThingSpeak · Issue #63556 · home-assistant/core · GitHub
IMHO this makes this extension quite useless…
I am stuck on making the one sensore work, is the API inside inverted commas? where is the ID obtained from? where is the sensor name from, my “field 1” has a name “Voltage”, my “field 2” has the name “Percentage”,my channel is private.