Third party server slow responce

I am trying to get data from server. It just simple GET request and response is JSON. Data on server get update every hr, but the response from server typically takes 10-12 second, and some times up to 30 seconds. I tried to use REST platform with 30 sec timeout and it is works. But I am getting warnings “Update of sensor is taking over 10 seconds”. Then I made custom integration using Python urllib, and it is working fine, but warnings still there. Anything I can do to prevent such warnings (except hiding them with logger)?

The warning is telling you that the update is taking a long, long, time (in HA terms). Other than hiding the warning, there’s nothing you can do - HA is working as intended.

Ok. I’ll hide them. Could you please explain how i can use scan_interval in my custom integration. I am updating several binary_sensors and sensors after one request to server and I want apply scan_interval once to all platform. I can get it from configuration.yaml, but have no idea how to use it. As soon data on the server updates hourly, I want to reduce number of requests.

Scan interval is a per device thing. You can’t apply it to every platform, you have to set it for each thing you configure.