This can't be how it should work

I just recently purchased a zzh! CC2652R Multiprotocol RF Stick and flashed it following the docs here:, set it up with home assistant. I had a hell of a time pairing all my xiaomi devices but eventully got everything paired and renamed and setup. I then had a power flicker and it restarted my HA instance and about half of my devices were not showing up. I then removed the integration, re-added it, re-paired all the devices again, which worked. I then rebooted HA after making some other changes to my config and again half of my devices are unavailable…I must have something setup wrong, it’s been so flaky and terrible for me so maybe I flashed my stick wrong or something? Is there anybody else having these issues?

The only thing I can think of is maybe getting a USB extension cable and having it sit away from my HA host? But it’s weird that some of my devices are reporting fine.

ZHA or Zigbee2mqtt ?

I flashed it with zha.

I’m not sure I understand.

As far as I know you don’t flash the coordinator with zha. You flash the coordinator with a zigbee firmware then integrate it to HA via the zha (or zigbee2mqtt or deconz, etc) integration.

and the link you posted is dead.

Ah sorry about that link, I followed these docs here: Quick Start (Read First) - Electrolama and flashed it with this firmware: CC2652R_coordinator_20210120. You are correct, I didn’t flash it with zha I set it up in homeassistant using zha.

Hopefully that makes more sense :slight_smile:

What kind of devices do you use?

are they a good mix of mains powered ones and battery or mostly battery?

If they are mostly battery then you won’t ever build a good mesh and devices will drop off due to poor comm signal strength.

They are all xiaomi battery powered ones, do you have any recommendations on what devices to get that are main powered ones?

Just look on Amazon (or your favorite online money sponge :laughing:) and look for zigbee outlets, switches or bulbs. Anything that is mains powered should work as a repeater.

I have a few Sengled zigbee bulbs, a couple Innr zigbee outlets and a Home Depot zigbee fan controller in my system and don’t really have any issues.

Be aware that due to a strangeness in the HA zha you may have to specify which mains powered device the battery powered devices get paired thru. I don’t think they automatically re-mesh to the closest repeater if you move them around.

I have some Xiaomi temp/humidity sensors that I paired sitting at my desk then moved them to their final location and had issues. Once I removed them from the system and told them to re-pair thru a nearby mains repeater everything was fine after that.

Xiaomi devices are fussy because they don’t fully conform to the zigbee standard. I know you use zha but zigbee2mqtt has warnings about them.

And although this is Hubitat, more warnings about them including pairing issues and dropping out.

I have one xiaomi sensor which works fine. They won’t repeat through some devices, so don’t get Centralite, General Electric, Iris, Ledvance, OSRAM, Sylvania, SmartThings, or Securifi devices as a mains repeater.

You also might want to invest in a ups battery backup so things don’t flake out on you during the next power outage

I have the same zzh stick and an extension cable as well, so that could help.

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That is the simplest cheapest an easiest potential solution. Just do it.

Just an FYI - Sengled Zigbee bulbs are intentionally designed to NOT be Zigbee repeaters.

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Well there you go. I never knew that.

Thanks for the info.

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