This device cannot be added from the user interface

can anyone help me with my problem? I downloaded Waste Collection Schedule at HACS. If I then want to add the Waste Collection Schedule integration under Settings > Devices and Services, I get the following message: This device cannot be added from the user interface You can add this device by adding it to your configuration.yaml. For more information, see the documentation.
Greeting Dragan

Click your provider in the list to be taken to an example: GitHub - mampfes/hacs_waste_collection_schedule: Home Assistant integration framework for (garbage collection) schedules

I inserted it like this. When I check the config I get:
Integration error: wwaste_collection_schedule - Integration ‘wwaste_collection_schedule’ not found.

I can’t add it through Devices and Services:

It tells you exactly what to do. You don’t add it through the UI you have to configure it using YAML as shown in the link I posted.

OK got it now. It works. Many thanks for the help.