I have noticed more than a handful of times that my PC appears to recover itself from a crash while scrolling through threads on here. The screen goes blank for a second or two before recovering. (Once it didn’t and I had to hit the power button).
I have looked at the Windows event Logs and something definitely happens but as you might expect the logs don’t exactly make for easy reading.
Now, I can’t say with absolute certainty that it has never happened when not on this forum and I do spend a significant proportion of my time reading through posts here so even if I am right it is not evidence that the forum is the cause.
I just wondered if anyone else had experienced this?
And yes it is a very long shot, I just thought I’d ask.
Windows 10
Nvidia GPU (the logs hint towards a video problem)
Edge Browser
That’s never happened to me (though I mainly use Chrome), but the screen going blank would indicate a GPU problem. Maybe your GPU driver crashed and is recovering itself. Check if you have the latest GPU drivers, and also check your GPU temperature to see if it is overheating. Maybe your videocard fan is dead or your computer isn’t getting adequate cooling?
Yes I thought that. I had been holding off on an upgrade for a few weeks out of laziness and not feeling a need for it but I upgraded yesterday and it happened again.
I’ll check temps and fans. the PC is getting a bit old now so it could just be ‘wear and tear’.
Just bumping this thread to say that the last few days on chrome on android I’ve had an issue where I’ll be scrolling through and the page will just ‘lock’ and then chrome becomes unresponsive. Coming out of chrome completely and going back in causes the page to reload and everything is ticketyboo again.
Only happens on this forum, so I think @klogg is on to something.