This is my Lovelace UI


Awesome, love your Lovelace setup

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Would you mind sharing your Lovelace-ui config? If you do make sure you sanitize it.


I particularly like the combination and diversity applied from the combination of ‘views’ (tabs) and Dashboards.

I do think it will be a lot to share, so will either need lots of posts or a git-hub view
Thanks to @vermium-sifell


Sure! I will create a git repository when i got time

Thanks for loving it :slight_smile: Btw i am only 14 years old :joy:

Gotta share repo when i got one up for you guys!

I envy you your age (not 100% sure though)
But your age has little to do with your willingness to try new things and your eye for design.
Though it does indicate that we should expect even more of you in the future.
You are a fellow member of this forum.
Good luck in ALL your endevours



Thanks :heart::heart::heart:

Still interest in the code?

Make sure to follow to not miss when i release it! I’ve been working on a new design which i can share soon! A hint is many custom coded features. But still keep it like some sort of VanillaLook