This site can't be reached

Yes tried safari to no avail…

When I did a core check it show a unknown IP! Any ideal there?

if so, , im drained !, and don’t use, or read anything in regards to DuckDNS, thou i think ive seen some other had problems, “with” DuckDNS , so what i would have done ( beside i would have read documentation, Topic, in regards to DuckDNS (caused by "internal network changes), i would have started with uninstalling DuckDNS, redo ALL settings ive made in regards to this integration, and made sure my internal network was working

I don’t like or use either, i use Firefox and rare occasion EDGE, but that’s probably irrelevant :slight_smile:

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i don’t see any “image” … and you are most likely going to hear more about this “image”
PS: in ha-console type : --help
and use this after all “extra” commands --help

Not certain what happened on that previous image but here it is.

Anyways….I really appreciate your help!!!

it’s HA’s internal network, and as it should be, i dont know whether DuckDNS uses HA internal network, as i haven’t read anything about DuckDNS … as mentioned, if i have no knowledge’s about the function of a Device or “Component/Add-On” , i “read-up” documentation in HA and DuckDNS in common
… as mentioned i saw a Topic ( Can’t access my HA, through DD, and not local, after changes) sounded like DuckDNS changes the “way in” … uninstall it, make sure you can access HA " as usual ( Before you started to use DD) , so maybe it’s the NIC’s ip-number i don’t know , as you apparently still don’t think it’s an idea, to “deliver” what you know, From start !, i.e what IP-number you have in your Router ( DHCP as-well as Static) … And you did start with "moved to another ISP, changed internal network “setup” EDIT i assume you restarted your Router, after trying to “open” ports … and i assume you know more than me about DuckDNS, as you have installed it, and there is alot documentation/configuration, and Topics in regards to DuckDNS … but honestly why waste mote time, you already tried to delete domain, create new, DELETE DuckDNS, make sure HA goes back to use it’s own DNS, and the Routers, or make sure you don’t still have the old IP numbers in DuckDNS, changing “External” IP for Domain, just changes that !, nothing on the inside … where your changes are made! ( New internal IP range, new ip numbers for HA, your phone, mac, windows)
Sorry i don’t use DD, i use VPN to access my internal network


I don’t see this banner screen. All I see is “homeassistant TTY1” Enter login:.

I just had similar issue when completely messing with ssl certificate and ssl key files.
I was having “This site can’t be reached” from http and https.
Decided to look at at and fix later, but a few hours later I found, that it loaded in recovery mode. Removed ssl certificate and ssl key from http config and restarted. All solved. Next time will try to research how to force recovery mode faster :slight_smile:

For anyone else coming here in panic after adding the SSL-related entries to the http: configuration key: After home assistant has restarted, the URL is no longer accessible via http, so you have to use https!