Thoughts on Influxdb (2.0)

Hi, I started using InfluxDB 1.8.2 and was very pleased and impressed with the performance, but also the usability of Chronograf and Kapacitor, but especially Telegraf that allows to easily integrate all kinds of metrics (this really pulled me over towards InfluxDB).

Then I learned about the upcoming 2.0 version, where SQL is replaced with Flux and queries cannot be ported over - need to be rewritten. I believe it is a huge strategic mistake (they should have added Flux as a new option), and I intend to stay on InfluxDB 1.x.

Any suggestions for an alternate time series database? As far as I can see Telegraf supports other outputs, so could go with Telegraf + PostgreSQL (or a different time series db).

Now for the questions:

  1. Anyone used InfluxDB 2.0? How is the experience?
  2. Any suggestions regarding an alternative to InfluxDB, but also Telegraf.

“We’ll be providing a compatibility mode which allows your existing InfluxQL queries to dynamically run as well.” – if that works, may give it a try.

OK, no… “InfluxDB Cloud only”